Okay, so I've decided to do weekly themed drawings before (see the... um... 2 weekly robots I did... months ago...), but this time I really mean it! Well, by calling it "weekly," I feel like I'm at least making the commitment to do it regularly. Maybe you all can keep me on task and demand more creatures. Right now I'm not very good, but after a couple of months of weekly creatures, I should at least improve. Comments and crits welcome and encouraged!
As far as format, I kind of like the idea of doing them at a 3.5"x2" size, as that is a standard size for business cards. It might be kind of fun to print them off on business card sheets and trade 'em with friends. If anyone else is interested, let me know. We could trade them physically or just download 'em from each other's blogs and print 'em off ourselves. And why not throw vehicles/robotics/whatevers in there with it? Yeah, this could be kinda fun. Anyway, here's week #1: