
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Iron Giant Sketch and Painting WIP

Any of you who know my two-year-old son probably know about his obsession with The Iron Giant. He watches it almost every day. In fact, he knows it so well that he directs my wife and me in role-playing his favorite scenes, commanding us to "stand over there. You're looking at the giant building [power plant], and I'm the Iron Giant in the trees." Then he proceeds to walk around making loud stomping sounds with his mouth. This continues for some time, until we tire of it and distract him with something else. Or put the movie on again. I'm actually quite glad that he likes the movie. I think it's one of those oft-overlooked gems, and it's one of my favorite movies.

I decided to do a drawing and painting of the Iron Giant for my son as a painting practice exercise. Here's the sketch on toned paper and the work-in-progress painting I've begun in Photoshop. It's kind of fun once in a while to do a piece whose sole purpose is to practice painting and not to have to worry about designing something from scratch. I'll post updates as I go.

Monday, July 05, 2010

New Blog

Hey, everyone, as you may have noticed, I haven't posted any work on here for a while. I'm very fortunate to have been rather busy of the last few months, and while I'm doing a lot of work, I'm prevented by NDA's from showing it just yet. To be able to do work that I can show and continually add to my portfolio, I've made it a goal to participate in more online forum challenges and activities. There are so many of them out there, and I've been making an effort to catalog them for my own convenience. In so doing, though, I realized that such a catalog might be a useful resource for others, so I've decided to create a blog dedicated to gathering information about various online forum challenges. You can find it at this link.

My goal with that new blog is to make it easier to sort through the many challenges available online. I'm sure my listing isn't 100% comprehensive, and I welcome any other suggestions or links you may have. I'm also in the process of designing the blog to be a little less boring looking, but I figured I'd just go ahead and get it out there. I'd love to get your feedback, so head on over there and see what you think and let me know what you think might make it more helpful.
